Weller WSW SAC L0 Solder Wire 100g 0.3mm

Solder Wire WSW SAC L0

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Solder Wire WSW SAC L0

Solder Wire WSW SAC L0

Lead free soldering is now a major issue on the agenda of companies manufacturing electronics equipment. Lead is a major constituent of traditional solder and as a result there are concerns over the amount of lead entering the environment. As a result there has been legislation in many areas of the world and a consequent impetus to move to lead free soldering.

Lead free soldering wire has arisen because of legislation being enacted around the globe. In the EC the WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronics Equipment) Directive has brought a sharp focus onto lead free soldering technology. Although this directive is mainly about recycling, it also contains clauses aimed at banning the use of lead in certain categories of electrical and electronic equipment. This gives rise to the need for lead free soldering.

Weller WSW SAC L0 Solder Wire 100g
Alloy Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu
Temperature 217-221°C
Flux J-STD 004 L0 – Halogen-free flux
Flux content 3.5%
Weight 100 gr
Diameter 0,3 mm
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