Weller FE 80 FE Soldering irons

FE 80 FE Soldering Irons
FE Soldering iron 80 W / 24 V

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FE 80 FE Soldering Irons

FE 80 FE Soldering Irons


FE Soldering iron 80 W / 24 V

Marketing Texte
Long description FE 80 Soldering set with integrated fume extraction tube, ESD safe
Product claim FE Soldering iron 80 W / 24 V
Product lead in textblock above one or several tables 2 Weller FE soldering irons are specifically designed for tip extraction applications. The smoke tube is integral with the handle and is normally placed over the joint when soldering but can be retracted when access to the joint is a problem or removed for cleaning. The irons are temperature controlled, ergonomic and allow precise handling. The electronic controlled irons can be driven from any PU /PUD series power unit compatible with the rating of the iron or any rework station. FE 50M irons can only be driven from the P51 power unit. The range of iron power ratings and the extensive range of solder tips mean that there is an iron to suit all applications. The FE irons are supplied with a 5 mm-dia. burn proof hose 2.5 m long, all handles, leads and hoses are ESD safe.
Product lead in textblock above one or several tables 1 The Weller Zero-Smog Systems put an end to air pollution caused by soldering, adhesives and laser work. In all of these applications fumes or fine particles are released into the work place atmosphere which are hazardous to staff exposed to them. The Weller Zero-Smog Systems’ combination of pumps, electronic controls and filters removes this hazard.
Short description Fume Extraction Soldering Iron Set
Packaging information
Shelf pack size (Units per shelf pack) Single
Technical Data
Color Black
Portable No
Electronic filter control No

SKU: T0052616299