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SKU 1151611 Category

Special Corrosion Protection and Lubrication for Contacts.

PROTECTION contains a combination of high quality active inhibitors ensuring longtime protection of metal contacts from abrasion and corrosion. Treated contacts are coated with a stable and superfine film that gives excellent lubricating and corrosion protection. PROTECTION is suitable for contact metals of all kinds and does not attack any engineering material in common use.

Technical Data

Appearance bluish liquid
Odor that of alcohol
Density at 20° C 0,73 g/cm³
Viscosity film at 40° C 67,4 mm2 /s
Compatibility with materials sehr gut
Pour point – 9° C
Unit Sizes 400 ml
Units/Carton 12 Spray cans (400 ml)
Art.-Nr. 1151611 (400 ml)
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