ESD Floor Tapes
Anti static Floor Tapes
Our highly visible, yellow floor marking tape is printed in black with the ESD caution logo and is ideal for marking EPA boundaries. The floor marking tape is self-adhesive and adheres well to synthetic and clean particle free concrete floors. The floor marking tape is laminated with a clear film to protect the print.
ESD grid tape is a self-adhesive tape coated with a static dissipative surface. The ESD safe tape is printed with a grid pattern and includes the ESD caution logo. This anti-static tape is for general purpose use within the EPA. Some factory or warehouse areas need to be free of static electricity, which can cause some electrical components to cease function, and certain chemicals to have a negative reaction, and this happening before they have even left the factory can cause serious safety and financial implications. There are many processes to prevent this, mainly via the use of conductive filaments to prevent high voltages building up on workers bodies. ESD tape can pinpoint areas where strict operations need to be in place to prevent harmful effects from ESD
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