Desoldering Irons
Desoldering Irons
Desoldering Irons
The reverse process of soldering is desoldering. It is a process of removal of solder and components mounted on circuit boards. The soldered joint is removed by the process of desoldering. For this purpose we should use the desoldering station with a small vacuum pump is used to remove solder from the plated through holes. The lead over which the desoldering tip was placed is moved in a circular motion for rounded leads and back and forth for flat leads.
From using desoldering irons to sketchily knocking breadboard components off on the side of a table, there are tons of ways to remove components from a circuit board. Desoldering is an important skill to learn once you’ve gotten the hang of soldering, because messing up a soldering job isn’t improbable.
Solders can be removed using a vacuum plunger (on the right) and a soldering iron. In electronics, desoldering is the removal of solder and components from a circuit board for troubleshooting, repair, replacement, and salvage.
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