ESD Products

System-level electrostatic discharge (ESD)
System-level electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection is very important in today’s world, not only in the industrial space,but also in the consumer space as devices become portable,haptic and widely used. It only takes one ESD strike to permanently damage a product, making ESD protection a critical component of system design.
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is another challenge often faced in system design. EMI is a radio frequency (RF) (800 MHz to 2 GHz) disturbance that affects an electrical circuit due to electromagnetic conduction from an external source. EMI can be avoided by using EMI filters that eliminate RF noise and maintain signal integrity.
ESD | Electro Static Discharge | ESD-Shop
UAE – Middle East
As any other ESD Products supplier or distributor, Wida General Trading has a wide range of ESD products such as ESD chairs, ESD workbenches,ESD clothing, ESD Shoes, ESD Flooring, ESD Bags to provide static solutions. In which we distinguish ourselves from other ESD-distributors, is the point where we share our ESD knowledge and experience with our customers. We are committed to deliver solution-oriented work. All our ESD manufactures are carefully selected and all ESD products are tested.
We welcome all who looking for an Electrostatic Discharge Control Training Program. In order to maintain the quality in your ESD products, ESD awareness is essential for everyone in your organization.When working with electronic components, in particular , unprotected ESD sensitive devices , it is imperative that we focus on good grounding. Before you get started with ESD – sensitive devices, make sure that your personal grounding tools like ESD Apparel, ESD grounding cables, ESD wristbands, ESD heel earthing strip, ESD shoes, field service kits be checked to ensure that they function properly. All personal ESD grounding resources, as well as ESD test equipment, can be found on our ESD Products web shop. In addition, our range of ESD safe products supplemented with ESD Flooring and ESD table mats, ESD Anti Fatigue Mats, Ergonomic mats, anti-static anti-stress mats, ESD puzzle flooring, ESD bags, , ESD garments, ESD cleaning and maintenance products, portable ESD vacuum cleaners, ESD tables in various configurations . ESD Measuring is knowing. The ideal combination, ESD knowledge coupled to appropriate measuring equipment .
ESD (Electro static discharge) is the biggest enemy for whom work with electronic boards and components which are sensitive to static electricity.
We invite you to visit our ESD Products categories and in case you have any questions, do not hesitate in contacting us: [email protected]
ESD Products

ESD Mats
ESD table mats as well as ESD flooring mats are primarily designed to conduct static charges to the ground. This way you prevent electronic circuit boards and other electronic products from damage by electrostatic charges. In combination with proper connected wrist straps we can discharge ourselves without damaging static sensitive components. Same counts for the combination ESD flooring and ESD shoes or shoe rounders.
When standing for long periods on hard surface in the ESD protected area, the ESD as well as the conductive and dissipative anti-fatigue mats are designed to reduce fatigue and at the same time eliminates static electricity by conducting to ground. Anti-fatigue mats absorb the shock when walking on hard surfaces and its cushioning effect stimulates and improves the blood flow and consequently reduces foot fatigue, back and neck problems, absence from work, etc.
We can supply all ESD anti-stress mats tailored in cooperation with the manufacturer.
ESD Products
ESD Workstations
ESD-Workstations. Designed and built to high specifications, ESD Safe Equipment worktables and other products are used in a wide variety of technical and manufacturing environments, including Industrial, Government, Medical, Commercial and Military.
Components or assemblies at risk from electrostatic dissipation (ESD) are among those construction elements which can be destroyed or damaged by charges or discharges of static electricity if the permitted levels of current or impact energy are exceeded. As a rule, these are always semi-conducting components and most are also thick- and thin-film construction elements. This type of construction element is mostly damaged through human mishandling. A human-being can charge several thousands of volts just by walking. A discharge can be felt by human beings from approximately 2000-3000 V, a current which is already well above the ‘tolerance level’ of many ESD components.
Implementing an ESD safe procedure according to the ESD standards IEC 61340 or ANSI S2020 is the foundation before buying or implementing ESD products such as ESD Chairs, ESD Cleaning materials, ESD Clothing, ESD Flooring , ESD Bags ,ESD Personal Grounding, ESD Shoes, ESD Storage, ESD Test & Measuring Equipment and ESD Workbenches .
ESD Products
ESD Clothing
ESD safe garments, whether we are talking about ESD Lab coats, ESD Polo Shirts, are clothing with conductive properties. ESD-Smocks must protect the electrical charges and discharges. In practice this means that in the ESD textile a conductive yarn is woven into a specific pattern. This pattern can take many forms which need to meet the international accepted ESD-standards, the “Grid” is the only option. This pattern must be taken to ensure that controlled loads are discharged. The conductive yarns may not be more than 10mm apart. ESD clothing behaves as shielding packaging only in reverse. ESD clothing protects your ESD-sensitive components by wrapping your employees in ESD shielding clothing.
The most critical element with ESD-garment, in addition to whether or not use of conductive yarn, is the washing of the ESD_clothes. Is the used conductive yarn resistant to the temperature, the used washing powders?
ESD-Clothing must be certified by reputable institutes according the ESD standard DIN EN 61340-5-1:2008 according European standards and ANSI-S2020 according USA standards and must be maintained in a proper manner, otherwise it loses its properties!. In Addition, it is extremely important to respect the dress codes for ESD garments (always CLOSED)!
ESD Products